FS News

1 year

One Year Since Lockdown

Posted: 01-04-2021

It is now over a year since we were told to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives. 

It has been a monumental 12 months for the world and has impacted all of our lives in a profound way....

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2021 Update

2021 – A Cause for Optimism?

Posted: 13-01-2021

As we start the new year, it feels much like the old year with virus cases on the increase, pressure on the NHS and a sense of doom and gloom pervading.

Unlike the first lockdown in March, the East of England...

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6 Months Since Lockdown

Posted: 25-09-2020

When the first lockdown was announced on 23rd March, many thought that by September, our lives would be returning to normal.

Unfortunately, it looks like we are heading for tighter restrictions throughout autumn & winter and it may not be until...

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3 Months since lockdown

Posted: 25-06-2020

As we enter the last week of June, it will be 3 months since our lives were turned upside down and COVID-19 forced us all to stay at home.

Next month, the lockdown is finally being eased and the delicate balancing...

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Investment Update - 1 month on from Lockdown

Posted: 24-04-2020

It may seem longer, but it is now 1 month since the government informed us all to Stay at Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives.

So what has happened to markets in this period? It may be surprising to note...

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Market update

Posted: 25-03-2020

As the Coronavirus outbreak continues and governments around the world implement strict rules on both individuals and companies, things can feel scary or, at best, unsettling.
COVID-19 dominates TV news, radio and newspapers and is the only topic of...

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